Wednesday, July 15, 2020

LINKS to Denis Rancourt articles and interviews about COVID-19 and face masks

  • Masks Don't Work: a Review of Science Relevant to Covid-19 Social Policy

Originally published on ResearchGate on 11 April 2020

The article has been reposted and republished some 50 times, such as here:

A nice contextual re-publication of the article is here:

en francais:
in Spanish:

  • Criticism of Government Response to COVID-19 in Canada

OCLA Report 2020-1 | 18 April 2020

en francais:

  • All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response

2 June 2020 | DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24350.77125

Archived at:

en francais:
  • Still No Conclusive Evidence Justifying Mandatory Masks
(Editor defends my work on masks) 12 August 2020

  • Evaluation of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 in France, from all-cause mortality 1946-2020
20 August 2020
en francais:

  • The Great VIRAL Debate: Dr Rancourt’s Closing Statement
10 November 2020

  • Measures do not prevent deaths, transmission is not by contact, masks provide no benefit, vaccines are inherently dangerous: Review update of recent science relevant to COVID-19 policy

28 December 2020 (now deplatformed!)

Archived here:

Also published by PANDA:
Archived front-page:

en francais...

  • What I believe about COVID

4 January 2021

archived here:
  • Analysis of the scientific basis for Ontario, Canada’s mandatory face masking and physical distancing law, 2020
6 February 2021

  • Review of scientific reports of harms caused by face masks, up to February 2021
22 February 2021

and, as archived:

and is republished here:

en francais...

Friday, June 5, 2020

COVID censorship at ResearchGate: Things scientists cannot say

Please download the PDF of this article, using the right-column button here:

Denis G. Rancourt, PhD
Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association (

5 June 2020

My April 2020 article entitled “Masks Don’t Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy” was banned from ResearchGate on 3 June 2020, after it had reached an unprecedented 400 K reads on the site.

One reader archived the page on 31 May 2020, prior to ResearchGate’s censorship:

The summary/abstract of the article reads:

Masks and respirators do not work.
There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.
Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.
The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests.  Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.

This is the email I received: [pic]

In particular, the email states:

“[O]ur Terms of Service prohibit the posting of non-scientific content on the platform. Given its questionable scientific basis and controversial subject matter, the content you posted is a violation of our Terms.”

I sent the following response to the two Managing Directors of ResearchGate: [pic]

In particular, I said:

“It is inconceivable to me how the article could have been judged to be "non-scientific content", and I find nothing in the TOS about "questionable scientific basis" (I would hope that all submissions are "questionable") or "controversial subject matter" (I would hope that some science communications are about "controversial subject matter").”

I received this remarkable response from Drs. Madisch and Hofmayer, which is contrary to ResearchGate’s earlier pretext for banning the article: [pic]

To be clear, they state:

“However, if we have any reason to believe that content on our platform has the potential to cause harm, then we reserve the right to remove it. In this case, your report was advocating that face masks are not effective and, in effect, discouraging their use. This goes against the public health advice and/or requirements of credible agencies and governments. As content which did not appear to have undergone quality control processes by the scientific community, but which was broadly linked to from a variety of social media accounts, we thought it had the potential to cause harm.”

This means that they are stating that they judge my article — which argues that there is no scientific basis for public use of masks, a position in line with express longstanding statements made by the WHO [footnote]  — to be a threat to human safety because it “was broadly linked to from a variety of social media accounts”.

In my opinion, their statement is a strategic statement to deflect a possible litigation, and to attempt to secure popular support. Their action is a violation of the Terms of Service (TOS), but they don’t care.

This is censorship of my scientific work like I have never experienced before. It deprives me of the advantages of the ResearchGate platform. It also kills the many links to the article, from a multitude of media and social-media venues. As such, it infringes on the public’s right to freely access information in a democracy, without undue or illegal interference.

The actions of ResearchGate are contrary to science, freedom, and democracy.  In my opinion, ResearchGate is using the public internet infrastructure, while actuating an apparent bias aligned with its funding sources. [footnote]

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

COVID-19 face mask and the yellow-star badge

The state (Canada) is using its resources (propaganda, enforcement, "education") to in-effect mark individuals who visibly refuse to wear masks: as selfish rogues who harm society and put everyone at risk.

The state is barring these citizens from essential services and employment, making them into second-class people.

Is that so different from the yellow-star badge of the Nazis? "The star was intended to humiliate Jews and to mark them out for segregation and discrimination." The inferiority and moral defectiveness of Jews was a "scientific fact" at the time.

How far is the state going to go?

Meanwhile my detailed scientific work reviewing the science that masks do not work is aggressively being censored.

Even the corrupt WHO expressly does not recommend the public use of masks and expressly states that there is no scientific basis for any public use of masks.

Yet the state has its campaigns. The vile contrarians must be segregated, intimidated, and humiliated.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Masks Don't Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy

My article has more than 110 K reads on Research Gate.

It is being used by several organizations, to inform their members.

It can be downloaded for free here:

Alternate link:

A good media interview about the article is this one:

My video presentation about the article is here:

Alternate link to the video is here:

Friday, May 1, 2020

Let me explain Quebec on COVID-19

By Denis Rancourt, PhD
Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association (

What happened in Quebec?

How the hell did Quebec break with WHO and global-elite media-driven propaganda to go its own way, and follow science rather than absurdity?

I was amazed when Quebec announced that it was dismantling its lockdown, and now believed in herd immunity.

I wrongly thought some wise academics and government scientists finally got through to them, and/or they found a daring way to avoid otherwise unavoidable civil disobedience and unrest...


The actual answer is: Radio Quebec and its visceral critiques and ridicule of the government and its lies. Radio-Quebec never let up and they got the YouTube views from hell, for Quebec, in French.

Here is the main video that went viral in Quebec and that explains how the death statistics for COVID-19 are a complete fraud:

Here is the video in which they rightly celebrate their victory:

A fraction of Quebec is alive folks, unlike English Canada that is loosing itself turning around in circles in the sea of propaganda insanity. "Maybe those infected do not develop immunity" and such crap, over and over again.

Two solitudes. English media don't cover Quebec!

General background:

Here are my videos about COVID-19 (playlist):

And see my articles:'t_Work_A_review_of_science_relevant_to_COVID-19_social_policy

Saturday, April 25, 2020

My conspiracy theory about COVID-19: Geopolitics

I'm back this morning, with my tentative COVID-19 conspiracy theory.

There is just no way that this globally coordinated extravaganza of fear-inducing media-propaganda and government-imposed lockdowns is an authentic and proportionate reaction to an actual deathly-mega-threat.

Sure, many corporations and financiers have already benefited, but the core (backbone) driving force must be bigger than even Pharma vaccines and trillion-dollar bank bailouts.

My guess is that this is an attempt to break/isolate Russia-China-Iran-Venezuela... by totally depriving Russia-Iran of oil revenues for an extended period of time, while the Fed prints its paper money. That is why they keep saying that the lockdown may have to last a long time.

If they break Russia, then there is no Eurasia and China-alone cannot resist USA domination and USA increased economic-energy invasion and control. If they break Iran, then they have the Middle-East again, and control China's access to energy.

IMO, this saga is a huge geopolitical battle, a desperate USA-deep-state gamble. This is what a world-war looks like without risking nuclear confrontation by increased large-scale military aggression. Those military options would not be popular, but no one wants to die of COVID.

(If they told us why they shut down the world economy and bought us (most of us) out with a free ride, would we agree? How would the world react?)

The core backbone of World events is always geopolitics, still tied to the major nations. The dominant empire is based in the USA, no matter how globalized. Without USA military preparedness, COVID-19 would not have been a thing.


More links related to this:

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My 2013 book about social hierarchy is now available as a free PDF download

My 2013 book about social hierarchy is now available as a free PDF download

>>>>  [ResearchGate shut down my account. Bad ResearchGate.]

The free PDF download of the entire book is available here:

Reviews of the book, when it first came out, are here:

Paperback copies are available from the publisher here:

"Denis Rancourt has turned the entire notion of RACISM on its head and at the same time exposes racist acts committed by others to deflect that characterization from sticking at the highest levels of The Academy. North American civil rights defenders need this book at this time. Rancourt’s deeply incisive Fight Against Racism brings us back to the reality of the struggle, away from the manoeuvring for class advantage and away from the victim’s desire to create illusions of state-given justice."
—Cynthia McKinney, First African-American woman elected to represent Georgia in the US Congressional House of Representatives

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Too many people are asking me to give my opinion about this, as a scientist, so here goes.

5G electromagnetic frequencies and the 5G emission technology themselves do NOT constitute "evil technology" that can be used, as deployed, to depopulate the world, or make you sick, or affect your psychological state, or make you more vulnerable to infections, etc.

That is crazy shit, polluting your minds if it resonates with you; as in this example of gibberish, here, by David Icke:

Higher frequencies (100 GHz rather than the usual 1 GHz, say) would be deployed in order to reduce the transmission time of information. Such higher frequencies will present a whole new set of practical difficulties, and there could be mild negative environmental consequences, and negative urban planning consequences, but human health cannot directly be affected.

Much more importantly, the 5G overhaul will be exploited to change the architecture of the internet, to the advantage of the corporate-CIA-financier-etc complex. Civil rights are dramatically threatened, which is a totalitarian trend, having virtually no democratic oversight. Western elected governments, more and more, are just managers of this trend.

All frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum cause damage if irradiated at a sufficiently large intensity, or power per unit irradiated area. That is neither here nor there. Some frequencies resonate with specific entities and thus cause targeted effects. All true, but not relevant to human health in this application.

There will be surprises ("challenges") in the broad application of 5G, but human medical health will not be one, except via car accidents and such indirect means.

Your body and mind will not be invaded by the 5G radiation itself.

Your mind is being attacked, as usual, by all the methods of censorship and propaganda, enhanced by the technology of the social-media environment, not to mention institutionalized "education".

So please stop. Reset. Try to overcome your gullibility, and develop discernment.

>>>> update:

Here is a good snapshot of the current scientific literature on the topic, which corroborates my position (you can do an advanced-search on Google-Scholar to find these):

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Amazing broad discussion scientific basis coronavirus - physicists Jim and Denis

Jim Larsen McLean and Denis Rancourt decided to openly discuss COVID-19 and the coronavirus. Both have physics academic backgrounds, and both are avid critical readers of medical research. Both are polymaths. On this topic, Denis did most of the talking.

First question: How do you know this is hysteria?
How do they know the cause of death?
Would they have died from a simple flu...?
In microbiology "everything is everywhere".
What does IFR mean, really?
Will we all die? How many?
How does dynamics of contagion work?
Is there no justification for lockdown?
Precautionary Principle...
Broad testing to know propagation...
EVOLUTION vs wrong thinking of attacking a virus!
DISTRIBUTED approach to combating disease
Two orders-of-magnitude in death-rate from measles
Nutrition vs stress and psychology
Pandemic industry and Black Plague
Fear vs geopolitics, and China
Many ways to exploit a pandemic
Mainstream-media synchronicity is no accident
Prof. Peter Gotzsche
HARM is both biological and against democracy
4 BILLION YEARS of co-evolution
How many people will be killed by the lockdowns?
But this is not a flu!
Pandemic industry - Why now?
Politicians were rewarded for violating civil rights
RADICAL IDEAS about masks and everything
Future topic for Jim and Denis

Jim's YouTube channel:

Jim at Technical University of Denmark:

Denis' profile at ResearchGate:

Denis' profile at GoogleScholar:

Denis' articles at Dissident Voice:

Ontario Civil Liberties Association:

LINKS re scientists on coronavirus

Latest article in Lancet, March 30th:

This HK study may have influenced China, that it could be blamed...
I think that is why China over-reacted with a lockdown, which then cascaded into today's hysteria.

The CDC "test" protocol is flawed and not validated, approved under emergency exception. It was made in a total absence of a coronavirus standard, does not discriminate other viruses, the false-positive rate was not evaluated and is unknown.

Still my favorite, by Ioannidid:

Latest results on coronavirus - Lancet March-30th - Everybody calm down

Latest research findings,
30 March 2020,
33 authors


In plain words:

1. Everybody calm down.

2. The infection-fatality-ratio is small (as also reported by several other researchers), typical of seasonal-flu values.

3. The kids and youth are safe. This pathogen virtually kills only old people, having pre-existing health issues (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer).


The infection-fatality-rate is small (even probably overestimated in this study). This means that virtually everyone develops immunity and recovers.

Only the small percentage who do not, will die, and research-doctors have explained that many of these cases cannot be saved by any modern intervention (although the Didier-Raoult treatment, and Chinese intra-venous-vitamin protocols are promissing).

This all, in turn, implies that the solution is to stay home and recover, which is what the EU-WHO says, not lockdowns.

Demand that you be allowed to walk outside and go places, if you have no symptoms.

Most seasonal flu are highly infectious (as in: "have you had it yet?") and have small infection-fatality-rates, as is the case here.

Caution: Mass testing/screening and enthusiastic sending to clinics and hospitals are activities that amplify transmission, and increase risk of co-infections.

The solution is the same as always: If you have symptoms, stay home, rest, recover.

This virus became apparent in patients with pre-existing pneumonia or susceptibility to pneumonia, but that is often the case: many chronically ill patient are constantly fighting off pneumonia.

Plus, the important point that the very presence of the particular coronarivus is probably being over-evaluated (false-positives), means that perceptions are highly distorted.

Watch my videos:

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Why COVID-19 is global mass hysteria

My profile at ResearchGate: 

My profile at GoogleScholar:

My articles at Dissident Voice:

Ontario Civil Liberties Association: 

LINKS regarding the coronavirus: 

This HK study may have influenced China, that it could be blamed...

The CDC "test" protocol is flawed and not validated, approved under emergency exception. It was made in a total absence of a coronavirus standard, does not discriminate other viruses, the false-positive rate was not evaluated and is unknown.

Still my favorite, by Ioannidis:

Friday, March 20, 2020

Is coronavirus an ordinary flu for some and a bio-weapon for others?

By Denis G. Rancourt

In the present day, there can be little doubt that the USA has developed advanced bio-weapons, and is willing to use them covertly. The entire world knows that anti-imperialist Latin American leaders do not suddenly develop aggressive lethal cancers in synchronicity by accident. Likewise, the USA public now knows that the recent North-American Lyme disease outbreak was vectored by escaped weaponized tics [Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, by Kris Newby, 2019].  USA funding for a vast bio-weapons program is a matter of public record. Furthermore, in the words of the Federation of American Scientists:

Recently, the US interpretation of the Biological Weapons Convention has come to reflect the point of view that Article I, which forbids the development or production of biological agents except under certain circumstances, does not apply to non-lethal biological weapons. [Introduction to Biological Weapons, 2013]
The Editors at Veterans Today argue that the Coronavirus was brought to China by USA soldiers.[1]

China shares the same conclusion as the Editors at Veterans Today,[2] on the basis of medical and scientific evidence.

I would add my thoughts as follows.

It seems clear that China reacted to the new coronavirus as though it were a potential biological attack, rather than simply the latest virulent seasonal flu. This, in itself, suggests that the virology of the pathogen may have a military signature. The Chinese do not have a habit of rapid thoughtless over-reactions. The Chinese reaction would have been based on genetic sequencing, prior to the actual mortally rate of the virus being known.

It is possible that the new coronavirus is (or theoretically could have been) BOTH:
  •  a normal flu virus (that is, having a usual degree of contagiousness and a typical flu-like mortality rate, for most general populations) to some [see Dr Ioannidis' important article]
  •  a bio-weapon designed to be particularly potent against groups genetically similar to Iran's population to others, while providing a shot across the bow to China.
If my hypothetical scenario is correct, this would mean that the USA genetically engineered a virus by matching the viral genetic code to part of the RNA of the Iranian ethnic group. Such engineering would not affect the degree of contagion, nor produce targeted contagion (viral attachment depends of the structure of the viral envelop, not its genetic strands). Rather, once infected, the individual with partially matching RNA would have accelerated in-cell multiplication (viral reproduction). The result is that an infected Iranian develops extreme consequences (large fraction of penetrated cells) more rapidly, and more burst cells, which combination is more often lethal than in unmatched-RNA subjects.

Remarkably, unlike most Western nations, Iran's "entire gene pool has remained largely unchanged over at least the past 5,000 years, but probably rather the past 10,000 years" [link]. Similarly, one would look to studies like this one [link] to view the genetic structure of populations in modern Italy.

Russia has reported publicly that CIA-connected NGOs have had broad and systematic blood-collection programs.[3] Such genetic mining is the basis for this kind of genetic engineering of pathogens. And, the USA considers Eurasian integration to be an almost intolerable threat, such as Italy ["Defying Allies, Italy Signs On to New Silk Road With China", NYT, 2019].

Iranian leaders travel frequently to China, which would be an ideal strategic vector.[4] Also novel flu viruses often already originate in China, which provides an ideal cover.

So, USA soldiers carried the virus (non-lethal to them) to Wuhan, in the military games, as reported by China. Patient-zeros were USA soldiers, artificially infected.

Furthermore, the present level of global synchronous and aligned media hysteria, probably can only be CIA-coordinated, as I showed for the mid-2000s media seeding for climate hysteria, in my 2019 Report.[5]  More recently, we had the globally coordinated "climate emergency" frenzy, unrelated to any real events.


For scientific article by Denis Rancourt, see ResearchGate.

[1] "Trump says VT is lying about US Army origin of CV19 in Wuhan, we say he is 'Full of Shit'", by Editors, Veterans Today, 17 March 2020.

[2] "China Spins Tale That the U.S. Army Started the Coronavirus Epidemic", New York Times, 13 March 2020.

[3] "Russians' DNA taken by foreign agents, Kremlin says", BBC News, 31 October 2017.

[4] "Iran’s military on alert as virus kills 77, sickens leaders", AP News, 3 March 2020.

[5] “Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as State doctrines”, by Denis G. Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, OCLA Report 2019-1, April 2019.