Friday, December 31, 2010

Selected web-links for David F. Noble

Press releases from family and friends: HERE.

I wrote this about David:
2010-12-30::: David F. Noble - In Memoriam

The first media articles following David's unexpected death are here:
2010-12-29::: Globe and Mail
2010-12-29::: Chronicle of Higher Education
2010-12-29::: Macleans OnCampus
2010-12-29::: Oye! Times
2010-12-29::: The Toronto Star

Orbituaries are published HERE and HERE.

An old friend of David blogged some remarkable memories here: Chazz W

Wikipedia page: David F. Noble

Various features and interviews:

Web-published essays by David F. Noble:

UofOWatch Reports about David's battles HERE.

[Work in progress - Send me your suggestions]

1 comment:

  1. I am very sorry about David F Noble, I read his work and greatly admired his articulate and critical histories

    I made a multimedia piece from The Corporate Climate Coup


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