Sunday, September 11, 2011

State of academic freedom in Canada under Israel Lobby influence -- Press TV Global News report

The Press-TV Global News report of September 8, 2011 (4:30pm GMT) contained this segment about the state academic freedom in Canada, and in Canada's capital Ottawa in particular.

The Press TV video report features:
  • James Turk (Executive Director, Canadian Association of University Teachers),
  • Yavar Hameed (human rights lawyer),
  • Joseph Hickey (student representative on the Senate, University of Ottawa),
  • Ian Bron (Managing Director, Canadians for Accountability),
  • Denis Rancourt (wrongfully dismissed Full Professor with tenure, University of Ottawa), and
  • activist students being wrongfully arrested for free expression on the campus of Carleton University (Ottawa).

Labour law tribunal hearings into the wrongful dismissal of Denis Rancourt are on-going and can be followed HERE.

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