Here you have it: National Post article of yesterday.
It's not North Korea or apartheid South Africa or Israel. It's Canada.
Where is the Canada of my middle class mythology comfort blanket? Where has it gone?
- Social justice activist preemptively arrested at gun point in a mid-night commando raid for organizing and "conspiring" for G20-Toronto,
- then re-arrested while under bail for speaking at a university about social justice activism,
- then given absolute-no-political-communication bail conditions,
- returned to jail for refusing the illegitimate bail conditions, and finally
- intimidated into accepting the bail conditions under a threat of sustained solitary confinement until and during his trial...
Where the fuck is Attorney General Chris Bentley? Where is he hiding?
Bentley is a trained criminal lawyer. So he can recognize an egregious subversion of justice when one jumps out in his face from the pages of the national media. So where the fuck is he? And what does he stand for?
How can these clowns do this shit and have so many collaborators help them cover up the magnitude of their violations of fundamental principles without which we must declare the country a police state?
Why has there not yet even been talk or suggestions of investigating the police threats that obviously must have occurred (and that are known to be a common feature of arrests)? Alex Hundert was determined to go back to jail in refusing the bail conditions and did go back to jail, so something had to change his mind.
Stay tuned for the full cover up.
1 comment:
Sent by email:
October 17, 2010
Chris Bentley
Attorney General, Ontario
Dear Chris,
I have recently posted an opinion commentary about you in the matter of accused Alex Hundert:
Where are you?
What are you going to do about this?
When can we expect an intervention or statement from your office?
Dr. Denis Rancourt
Former professor, University of Ottawa
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