Sunday, April 10, 2022

The spiral of totalitarian rule

The USA uses and protects mega-corporations to occupy the globe and to subvert democracy. Mega-corporations in-turn use the USA to attain more power and reach.

Do you see where that spiral leads?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Did the USA pull out of Afghanistan to attack Iran?

 On 9 July 2021, I said this:

This is a nightmare scenario.

Since my tweet, these two articles have been published:

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran


My employer just mandated vaccines. What can I do?

 This is from my thread on twitter.

Q: My employer just mandated vaccines for all employees. I don't want the injection. What do I do?

A: Become an injection-refusal activist. This is how.

- find and connect with colleagues who feel the same way, even just one other colleague, and meet to talk about it.

- research what others are doing, research - consult your union to see where they stand - document everything you do, for your safety - explore work venues in which you would be allowed to express your concerns - build strength with your group, try things, share

- create an anonymous/private group via social media to find colleagues and share ideas - decide if you want to go public about your position, learn how to do that - act, take small learner steps at first, evaluate each action

- reach out to other such groups, and share experience - read your contract, and corp. policy/rules - meet and talk to your member of parliament - write to the Minister in charge of overseeing your industry - document adverse reactions at your work

- don't argue, stay calm, only clearly express your position - don't backdown too easily - after all, it is your body, and your personal dignity (see great responses on the original twitter thread)



Statement on new Canadian government proposal to force injections on employees and travellers

(and see references therein)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

COVID is genome wet-chemistry

 COVID-19 is the first fully-genetically-designed disease/cure construct. 

The pathogen, the test (PCR), the injection (mRNA)... are all based entirely on computer-aided genome wet-chemistry, without rigorous cell cultures, analytical autopsies, lab demonstrations, or anything, and no debate.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Philosophical Thought: Morality and Power

My today's philosophical thought:

Morality is a plea to be oppressed fairly, and not excessively.

Dominants have little use for morality, except that a society with fair oppression is more stable against degradation, revolution, civil war, and sabotage.

(All societies are dominance hierarchies, and oppression is a structural feature of any dominance hierarchy.)

Inspirational background: the 1939 book "The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939" by EH Carr

Saturday, February 13, 2021

My most important social theory interview? The Dominance of Dominance

I did this interview with TaniaTheHerbalist (our Episode 1) on 29 January 2021.

In it, I lay out the overarching role of dominance hierarchy in groups of social animals, including humans, and some of the main implications of this always-changing self-organized structure on the individual's health, freedom, and influence in society.

My starting point in the interview is an interesting recent theoretical physics paper about self-organized social hierarchies:

Monday, January 4, 2021

What I believe about COVID


By Denis G. Rancourt, PhD

Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association (

Member scientist, PANDA (

[ See section about the author’s expertise, at the end ]

Opinion/Belief (not submitted for journal publication)

This is purely my personal beliefs. I do not speak on behalf of OCLA or PANDA.

4 January 2021

Updated on 13 March 2021, with text in bold-italics.

At this time, I hold the following beliefs about COVID.

In 2020, no respiratory disease virus or viruses (the postulated SARS-CoV-2 included) caused any anomaly (total or incremental) in all-cause mortality.

All-cause mortality by month, week or day has the clear signature of localized mass deaths caused by medical responses (treatment interventions) and government the measures purportedly intended to reduce transmission (response-induced deaths).

The said signature of response-induced deaths, in all-cause mortality, includes: 

i. Global synchronicity of sudden onsets immediately following the 11 March 2020 WHO declaration of a pandemic and recommendation to “prepare your hospitals”. 

ii. Unprecedented lateness in the seasonal cycle of the sudden onsets. 

iii. Extreme granularity of the intensities of the sudden onsets, from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, from zero to very large, down to regional levels.

Unprecedented tight lockdowns of care homes, following transfers from hospitals of sick and infected patients, caused deadly epidemics in care homes.

Deadly epidemics in care homes in themselves are not new, and have been amply documented in the pre-2020 scientific literature.

Many respiratory disease viruses acted concomitantly in 2020, in association with bacterial pneumonias, as is always the case in heightened winter-season transmission and infection.

Assignment of cause of death as being due to SARS-CoV-2 is worthless. It is pure propaganda enabled by captured institutions.

No certified uncontaminated samples of the purported pathogen (SARS-CoV-2) were or are available for scientific study and biotech development. The genetic sequence was concocted in the absence of a purified sample of the presumed pathogen, using indirect methods. 

The RT-PCR test that was devised for COVID-19 has no clinical or epidemiological value whatsoever. It is one of the greatest scandals in public health history.

The USA is a special case because it has a large population that is particularly vulnerable to great harm from large-scale societal measures. Relevant factors include: obesity, poverty, social class oppression, precarious workforce, substandard universal health care, high social tensions, large income disparity, large homeless and working poor underclasses, aggressive Big Pharma capture, high seasonal vaccination rate, high pharma and illegal drug use, high density of atomized or socially isolated individuals, poor nutrition, low physical activity rates, high rate of psychological depression, high rates of built environment air-conditioning without ventilation, and so on.

Transmission of viral respiratory diseases is not by contact. It is overwhelmingly by aerosol particles in air. Surface cleaning and hand washing are virtually useless for slowing transmission.

Masks do not work to reduce transmission, and cause significant harm to school children, and to society.

The magical “one way mask”, which does not protect the wearer but acts as “source control”, is an invention for propaganda. It is contrary to the physics of breathing aerosol particles suspended in the fluid air. It is a ridiculous fantasy.

Vaccine trials funded, run, documented, and reported by Big Pharma are at best untrustworthy. They should not be allowed, and they are probably falsified. 

Vaccines for seasonal viral respiratory diseases are a bad idea. They are dangerous, harmful, and unnecessary. They are driven by profit, not by actual public health.

By far, the main determinants of disease severity for seasonal viral respiratory diseases are: psychological stress, social isolation, individual health status, obesity, and immunological history (including vaccination challenges). 

My competence to develop beliefs about COVID

Links to my articles about COVID are listed here: 

I am retired and a former tenured Full Professor of Physics, University of Ottawa. Full Professor is the highest academic rank. During my 23-year career as a university professor, I developed new courses and taught over 2000 university students, at all levels, and in three different faculties (Science, Engineering, Arts).  I supervised more than 80 junior research terms or degrees at all levels from post-doctoral fellow to graduate students to NSERC undergraduate researchers.  I headed an internationally recognized interdisciplinary research laboratory, and attracted significant research funding for two decades.  

I have been an invited plenary, keynote, or special session speaker at major scientific conferences some 40 times. I have published over 100 research papers in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, in the areas of physics, chemistry, geology, bio-geochemistry, measurement science, soil science, and environmental science. 

My scientific h-index impact factor is 40, and my articles have been cited more than 5,000 times in peer-reviewed scientific journals (profile at Google Scholar: ).

My personal knowledge and ability to evaluate the facts in this article are grounded in my education, research, training and experience, as follows:

i. Regarding environmental nanoparticles.  Viral respiratory diseases are transmitted by the smallest size-fraction of virion-laden aerosol particles, which are reactive environmental nanoparticles. Therefore, the chemical and physical stabilities and transport properties of these aerosol particles are the foundation of the dominant contagion mechanism through air.  My extensive work on reactive environmental nanoparticles is internationally recognized, and includes: precipitation and growth, surface reactivity, agglomeration, surface charging, phase transformation, settling and sedimentation, and reactive dissolution.  In addition, I have taught the relevant fluid dynamics (air is a compressible fluid), and gravitational settling at the university level, and I have done industrial-application research on the technology of filtration (face masks are filters). 

ii. Regarding molecular science, molecular dynamics, and surface complexation.  I am an expert in molecular structures, reactions, and dynamics, including molecular complexation to biotic and abiotic surfaces. These processes are the basis of viral attachment, antigen attachment, molecular replication, attachment to mask fibers, particle charging, loss and growth in aerosol particles, and all such phenomena involved in viral transmission and infection, and in protection measures. I taught quantum mechanics at the advanced university level for many years, which is the fundamental theory of atoms, molecules and substances; and in my published research I developed X-ray diffraction theory and methodology for characterizing small material particles. 

iii. Regarding statistical analysis methods. Statistical analysis of scientific studies, including robust error propagation analysis and robust estimates of bias, sets the limit of what reliably can be inferred from any observational study, including randomized controlled trials in medicine, and including field measurements during epidemics.  I am an expert in error analysis and statistical analysis of complex data, at the research level in many areas of science. Statistical analysis methods are the basis of medical research.

iv. Regarding mathematical modelling.  Much of epidemiology is based on mathematical models of disease transmission and evolution in the population. I have research-level knowledge and experience with predictive and exploratory mathematical models and simulation methods. I have expert knowledge related to parameter uncertainties and parameter dependencies in such models.  I have made extensive simulations of epidemiological dynamics, using standard compartmental models (SIR, MSIR) and new models. 

v. Regarding measurement methods.  In science there are five main categories of measurement methods: (1) spectroscopy (including nuclear, electronic and vibrational spectroscopies), (2) imaging (including optical and electron microscopies, and resonance imaging), (3) diffraction (including X-ray and neutron diffractions, used to elaborate molecular, defect and magnetic structures), (4) transport measurements (including reaction rates, energy transfers, and conductivities), and (5) physical property measurements (including specific density, thermal capacities, stress response, material fatigue…).  I have taught these measurement methods in an interdisciplinary graduate course that I developed and gave to graduate (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) students of physics, biology, chemistry, geology, and engineering for many years. I have made fundamental discoveries and advances in areas of spectroscopy, diffraction, magnetometry, and microscopy, which have been published in leading scientific journals and presented at international conferences.  I know measurement science, the basis of all sciences, at the highest level.